Wishlist for Woocommerce


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By adding Wishlist feature to your ecommerce site, you could let your customers save the items that they would like to purchase, but in future. This helps them in keeping track of items they desire to buy. The Wishlist Plugin also lets your customers share their Wishlist with friends through various social media platforms (Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and/or Twitter).
Just like a ‘To Do’ list, a lot of people also have a ‘To Buy’ list lingering around in their heads. By adding Wishlist Feature to your ecommerce site, you could help your customers store that ‘To Buy’ list to their accounts and come back again when it is the right time for them to buy those ‘wishlisted’ items . Of course, adding items to a Wishlist would require your customers to log into their accounts first. One important benefit of having this plugin is that it lets your customers share their wishlists with their influencers – the people who usually help them in deciding what to or not to buy (friends, siblings and others). This helps them in quick decision making, thus increasing the chances of purchase.

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Single Site, Upto to 5 sites, Upto 25 sites


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